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SMS Marketing for Jewellery Shop

Indians are very emotional and get personal when it comes to religions or rituals and text messaging helps you personalized with your customers. It is the only form of marketing where one-to-one communication takes place between the sender and the receiver. It helps you in understanding your customer needs and fulfill their requirement. SMS is a great way to connect with your customers and to survey your products based on customer preferences.

How Can Bulk SMS Benefit Jewelry shop

Festival offers for customers

Ladies love sales and offers. The moment they see an SMS with sale or discounts written on it, they would undoubtedly going to open your message. This increase the interest of customers. You can send promos, discounts, offers on festive season also can notify them on latest collection.

Easily Integrate with other Channels

What can be more good than a medium which can integrate with all your other channels, an SMS is a solution where you can easily integrate with all other channel like your website or social media pages. Since SMS limit is only 160 char in therefore it doesn’t require much time for a person to read. This is beneficial.

SMS Marketing Increase Customer Engagement

Your brand should engage with customer across entire customer lifecycle. An SMS increase customer’s engagement as there is a high rate of opening of messages and pleasing messages from brands are a gem. So a brand’s engagement and the type of SMS send to customer should be short and sweet.

Customer Follow-Up with SMS Marketing

It is necessary to do a follow-up of your customer after every purchase. Send customers a feedback message so you can get an idea to what extent your products satisfy them or a thank you message which shows your gratitude. It is necessary to know your customer’s status. You can also send an opening invitation and exciting offers on similar products based on their last purchase by keeping track of their records.

Customer Relationship builds through SMS marketing

Since SMS is a one-to-one- communication, it helps in building a healthy relationship with your customer and creates a long term customer loyalty. SMS is the best way to establish a customer relationship with any brand.

SMS Marketing is a perfect option for many different types of business and the jewellery sector is no exception. Whether you are an established jewellery retailer or an artisan manufacturer, SMS Marketing offers many opportunities to promote both your brand and products, as well as increase customer loyalty.

With all the signs showing the sector going from strength to strength, there has never been a better time than now to invest in new marketing strategies – one of them being SMS Marketing.

SMS marketing for offers and promotions

If you carry stock items that are available for immediate ordering or purchase, then SMS is a great way to inform customers of your latest offers and promotions and can be used to increase sales both online and in store.

If your aim is to boost website sales, then it is incredibly easy to send an SMS message that includes a shortened, mobile-friendly link to your online catalogue where customers can browse and order from the convenience of their mobile phone. If, on the other hand, you wish to drive more customers to visit your store and let your in-store sales team handle the rest, then a voucher code that can only be used in person at the shop can be equally effective.

Order confirmations by SMS

Whether your customer has placed an order in store or online through your website, SMS Marketing is an ideal way to confirm the order and make sure that the customer knows that everything is in order. As well as confirming the purchase itself, this is a great opportunity to make sure the customer knows what happens next, and who to contact should they have any queries or encounter any problems. For higher end jewellers, it can be very effective to give a named individual as a personal contact for the customer.

Status updates, dispatch confirmations etc

Of course, sending an order confirmation by SMS is a great way to open this channel of communication, and it makes sense to then build the relationship by SMS. Not only will this help you to provide an exceptional customer experience, it will also help to familiarize the customer with receiving communications from you via this channel so that you can take advantage of further marketing and sales opportunities with SMS Marketing later down the line.

Be sure in all cases that the tone of the message is in keeping with the position of your brand to demonstrate a natural and personal touch that will resonate with your customers.

News, reviews, style tips and more through SMS marketing

Remember that marketing is not just about direct sales and conversions; it is also about increasing brand awareness and engagement, building trust and, increasingly, establishing your brand as a knowledge leader in the field. One way the latter is typically done is through social media, however, your company blog is another important channel, especially for long-form content and features. Although most companies use email marketing as the primary channel for promoting new content.

SMS Marketing for previews, premieres, events etc

When it comes to higher end jewellers and artisan manufacturers, special events can be an important part of the business, be it previews or premiers for new collections, special events such as fashion shows, workshops, celebrity events, etc.

SMS Marketing can be used to promote these events and send invitations to help ensure that you have a full house when it matters most. It can also be used to manage ticketing for confirmed attendees.

SMS Marketing is a perfect way to reach out to customers and encourage them to check out your latest posts, news and more. SMS messages are usually opened and read within seconds of being received, and boast an exceptional click-through rate. With the vast a majority of mobile phones in circulation now being smart phones that support web browsing, it is easy for the customer to proceed to the intended destination with no effort at all. For best practice, use a link shortened such as as this appear more professional, as well as give you more characters for the message itself.

People these days expect to receive offers on their mobile devices, but they may not be so pleased to hear from you if your messages start to become too regular. We recommend contacting clients not more than once per month with offers or promotions in addition to your everyday reminder texts and an annual birthday message. For the majority of jewelers, one product promotion or special offer per month is enough to satisfy the sales targets set within the business.

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